Friday, March 7, 2008

What the Democratic party owes blacks

We've been there for you. You need to be there for us.

The Democratic party is at a crossroads in terms of it's black support.

We have voted reliably for the Democratic party since FDR first moved the party away from it's racist roots. Our support was cemented when LBJ pushed through sweeping civil rights legislation.

In return we gave the Democratic party our loyalty even while others in the party drifted to the GOP.

We've looked past the party's failures to prevent the decimation of programs to help the poor
and the party's capitulation to the GOP in terms of programs like welfare reform and the wrongful imprisonment of our people.

We've stuck with the party through thick and thin so what have we reaped in return?

This campaign season we've been rewarded with the silence of the party as some try to push us aside and label us useless in their zeal to win Latino support and even pit blacks and Latinos against each other.

We've had the Clinton campaign use racist and xenophobic appeals to win votes with not even a peep of objection from the elders of the party that those tactics go against what the party stands for.

Our concerns have been dismissed as whining if they were listen to at all. Our support looks wasted and many of us feel foolish and scammed for even believing in the so called ideals of this party.

No one should be treated this way let alone a group of people who have been the bedrock of the Democratic party for decades.

The party absolutely owes us. Not special treatment but simple fairness. The kind of fairness that is readily given to others in the party without having to beg for it.

We deserve to have our voices heard and our concerns given the same respect that others receive. That isn't too much to ask is it?

We have given the Democrats everything and received little in return.

It's time for that to change.

1 comment:

drbopperthp said...

I've never voted for either of the Clintons Balto', going all the back to the infamous 60 Minutes interview, when it was patently obvious that Bubba was lying to the American public about his philandering and his wife was either covering for him or was simply blinded by denial. I keep having this insane scenario rattling around in my head wherein the Clintons successfully steal the nomination from Barack Obama provoking a social upheaval in the country that eventually results in a return of millions of Black voters to the fold of the Republican Party. Its like a bad case of tinnitus and its slowly driving me nuts.