Sunday, March 2, 2008

They're called Representatives for a reason

Meet the next Ambassador to the Bahamas if Hillary wins
Photo: Washington Post

As any civics teacher can tell you we don't live in a direct democracy we live in a republic.

Living in a republic means that we hold elections to select people who will represent area they serve.

Members of the Congress, members of the House of Representatives and the Senate are representatives of the districts and states they serve.

They work for the people. We are their bosses.

So we can only greet with great amusement the hyperventilating commentary from Hillary Clinton supporters and idiots on the right over the threats being made by black constituents to black superdelegates who support Hillary Clinton to change their support to Barack Obama.

Many white people don't respect black political thought and black voting power.

We are a monolith. A brainless shuffling mass poisoned by the rantings of black religious zealots. Our inferiority proven because since we dare to disagree with them, there can be no other explanation than that we are too stupid to understand the world we live in.

If they actually listened to us they would find that the Clintons have destroyed their reputation within the black community with racist and xenophobic appeals. They have wrongly discounted us as a group thinking that our votes no longer mattered because Latinos were growing as a political force.

Worst of all they have used our own political representatives as a way to justify their racism.

Did they not think seeing people that we've sent to speak for us, speaking for the Clintons instead, using their black skin and their position as our representatives to lend the Clinton's racism legitimacy wouldn't provoke a reaction?

You're fucking right we are threatening to kick these motherfuckers out of office.

Every time black Clinton supporters like Sheila Jackson-Lee or Stephanie Tubbs-Jones goes on the TV to explain away the Clintons bullshit they make a mockery of the connection that they have with the black people in their district.

They show they not only are they willing to be pimped out for an ambassadorship or some other position but they are willing to sell out their own people.

These fools work for us and as their bosses we have the right to let them know, harshly if need be that they have well and truly fucked up.

We have the right to tell them that just because they are willing to betray themselves it doesn't mean that the rest of us are going to stand for it.

We have the right to fire them for their arrogance.

They are part of a generation of black leadership that have felt entitled to political power. They haven't been challenged on anything in decades.

What has the Congressional Black Caucus done for us? Not a goddamn thing and they know it.

So when you see some of these idiots turned out, don't take that as an act of revenge, it's just the bosses getting rid of the deadweight to make things work as they should.

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