Wednesday, March 5, 2008

We need a new way

I've only been blogging for a few weeks now. And in that time I've tried to find my own voice for the things I wanted to think about.

If there is one thing that I want for my blog it's that I want this to be a place where black folks can let their emotions out and channel what we feel into action.

For too long we have had to play a game of grin and bear it while the powers that be have kicked us in the teeth. And unfortunately we still have to do this is we want to get anywhere.

We aren't afforded the luxury of anger. Instead we have to settle with keeping our emotions in, dealing with high blood pressure and heart disease from having to put up with other's bigotry and stupidity.

We have also not had the chance to learn how to really play the political and economic game the same way other ethnic groups have.

There has to be a way to change that.

We have to learn how to play rough. No more marches. No more quoting from the bible about peace.

I'm not talking about violence but the ability to use the intelligence and skills we possess to make things better for ourselves and the ability to respond swiftly to those who attack us.

The non-violence of the Civil Rights Movement was the only way we were going to gain rights for ourselves but I feel it also prevented us from learning how to fight in the trenches.

Thus people's anger over the treatment of Obama. If we had a real way of showing whites that smearing a black candidate would cost them besides possibly staying home in November and giving John McCain the presidency we would be doing it.

The fact is at the moment we don't have anything and that is a sad result of our own complancency as a people and of our so called leaders.

There has to be another way to fight for our rights in this country because what we have right now is bullshit.

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