Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I'm tired

A few of Hillary's supporters wait for her at a rally

I'm officially spent at this point with the Democratic campaign.

I haven't been posting because I've been desperately trying to hang onto my sanity while this whole sordid campaign plays out.

I've already devoted too much time and space to the subject of the Clinton campaign's racism and I've allowed myself to be distracted from other issues I want to write about.

There are other blogs like Jack and Jill Politics that do a great job at voicing the rage I feel and so I'll leave them to that.

I'm going to right my ship here but before I do I will just say this about the whole mess with Geraldine Ferraro.

Ferraro is a racist and she needs to go. Period. The fact that she has lasted this long is a testiment to the racism of this country. No one but a black person could have their accomplishments and character questioned in such a way an not have the person making the criticism laid out for being so ignorant.

And Hillary Clinton and the people in her campaign are racists too. You can't condone this sort of thing, even if it is a election tactic without lacking the scrupples to understand what is absolutely off limits.

We are still weeks away from the Pennsylvania primary. At the rate the Clintons are ramping up the racist rhetoric I fully expect Hillary to be hosting Klan rallies to drum up political support.

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