Monday, March 17, 2008

God I'm sick of this guy

"Monica's breats were this big!"
- Bill "Bubba" Clinton

Someone stop this man please? From an interview given to CNN:

"What happened there is a total myth and a mugging," Clinton told CNN's Sean Callebs in New Orleans, Louisiana, over the weekend.

"It's been pretty well established. Charlie Rangel ... the chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, said in unequivocal terms in South Carolina that no one in our campaign played any race card, that we had some played against us, but we didn't play any."

...Bill Clinton adamantly denied he was playing racial politics. Hillary Clinton later offered regrets for her husband's remarks, saying, "If anyone was offended by anything that was said, whether it was meant or not, whether it was misinterpreted or not, then obviously I regret that."

Obama ended up winning South Carolina with a large majority of African-American voters, while most whites voted for Clinton or former Sen. John Edwards. South Carolina's Democratic primary was January 26.

Bill Clinton insisted his role his his wife's campaign has not changed since South Carolina. When asked if he was concerned that the contest was becoming more polarized, the ex-president said he expected it to happen...

...Clinton brushed aside notions African-Americans were casting an anti-Clinton vote in the primaries by voting for Obama.

"Once African-Americans understood that they had a candidate with a serious chance to win the nomination and perhaps the presidency, then it was going to be a question of somewhere between 80 percent and 90 percent were going to support him except in areas where she had particularly strong profile," he said.

"The fundamental fact is, most of the Democrats like both these candidates and they're trying to figure out who would be the best president, who's likely to do things or be what I need most in a president, and who's most likely to win," he added...

There are a couple of things going on here. This plus his wife's recent half-assed non-apology is the Clinton's said attempt at turning the national conversation away from their race-baiting (which hurts them with the kind of moderate white voters they have up to now not won) and regaining black support.

The fact that they have waited this long to really address this is a sign of that campaign's great incompetence. It was too late for this kind of reconciliation a month ago.

The other thing of course is to still denigrate Obama's efforts while playing the victim.

Obama is not winning the black vote because he's black. If that were the case then Jesse Jackson who the Clinton campaign can't stop incorrectly comparing Obama too would have done alot better than he did when he ran. If it were the case we would be talking about Governors Michael Steele, Lynn Swann and Ken Blackwell.

I don't deny that Bill is an asset but could Hillary stop the nonsense of having her man make stupid comments like this.

It hasn't worked before to sway voters and it won't work now.

Spare us. PLEASE!

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