Sunday, March 2, 2008

Don't get distracted

This is not the point

There is some discussion of a possible "subliminal message" in Hillary Clinton's 3 AM ad.

If you freeze the video at 11 to 12 seconds in you see the letters "NIG" on the pajamas of one of the sleeping children.

Is this a racist subliminal message sent out by the Clinton campaign to get people to think "NIG" = nigger = Obama?

In my opinion no.

First, the people for whom the letters "NIG" would have enough meaning to keep them for voting for Obama are already so racist that he wouldn't get their votes anyway.

Second, the Clinton campaign has not shown the aptitude to make convincing appeals with obvious messages let alone a subliminal one.

Third, when the Clinton campaign has used racial messages they have always been bumbling and plain to see. They haven't shown the ability to learn from their mistakes either, so I'm not thinking that they would take a more subtle approach, especially now that they are much more desperate.

The fact that some are actually having this conversation shows how much the Clintons have damaged their legacy with racist and xenophobic attacks against Barack Obama. Three months ago this kind of attack on the Clintons would have been outrageous and dismissed. Now the only criticism is of the hyperbole of the people who think this is something racist not that the Clintons would never stoop that low.

It also shows how easily distracted people can get. There are many more important things to discuss than this.

If we are going to have a discussion (and we should) about the racist images coming from the left and the right against Obama, then there are many more worthy things to talk about than a couple of frames of something that you have to cock your head like an owl and squint to see.

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