Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dumb move Hill. Real fucking dumb.

Hello? IRS? What tax returns?

The Obama campaign released this memo today. Here's part of it:
The Clinton campaign has said that they have released copious amounts of financial information but there are many questions about their private dealings that could be answered in their tax returns but not in the information that is currently available. For example, here are eight pieces of information that could be learned from her tax returns, the accompanying schedules, and attachments:

* Effective tax rate – including whether or not any tax shelters were used to reduce it

* Amount of income for spouses by source
* Amount of stock gains and losses
* Gross income for the couple
* Amount earned from stock dividends
* Amount of household employment taxes paid
* Personal exemptions taken
* Charitable contributions made

Senator Clinton has also claimed that she is too “busy” to release her tax returns. Given the fact she is able to loan her campaign $5 million, you would think the Clintons would be able to hire an accountant. The reality is that she wants to keep this information hidden from voters. The people of Wyoming, Mississippi, Pennsylvania and the rest of the country should wonder why.

Obama's going after her finances and her reluctance to release her tax returns after a weekend of being attacked by Hillary.

One could admire the Clinton's hutzpah on this issue if it wasn't so fucking dumb. They are two slimeballs who had such a strong stench of scandal surrounding them that it cost Al Gore the presidency and they honestly think they can get away with not releasing essential financial information.

The fact is that there has always been a well of anger towards the Clintons within the Democratic party. Bill's shenanigans cost us the public's trust and allowed the pack of rabid dogs that is the GOP to attack him and anyone close to him.

There's that and the fact that Hillary's campaign has chosen to go racist and xenophobic in their tactics, something that for most Democrats is unthinkable. The angry response of many from those attacks frees up Obama to attack her in ways he wouldn't have been able to before.

Obama's camp has been pretty good at responding to Hillary's attacks up until now. This may be the start of Obama's own "kitchen sink" stategy where he destroys her campaign under an avalanche of questions about every single thing that the Clinton's have touched since Bill won elected office.

And between, Marc Rich, Vince Foster, Monica Lewinsky, Ricky Ray Rector, Lani Gunier among others Obama could have a field day reminding people just why the Clintons come off so poorly.

It's about seven weeks until the Pennsylvania primaries. God help Hillary if she thinks she's going to make it to PA in one piece.

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