Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Rise of the Angry White Female

Their Queen

In 1994 the Democrats lost control of Congress for the first time in 50 years in a wave of anger and resentment whipped up by the Republican party.

According to media reports the agent of that great change was the "Angry White Male" who was defined as the "regular guy" who in the wake of disturbing economic and social changes and a philandering and lying president that he could not tolerate exacted his revenge in the ballot box.

The Angry White Male was entitled to his anger in a world gone wrong where only his strength and moral guidance could make things right and the fact that he primarily responded with hate was something not to be questioned.

The time of the Angry White Male has passed.

Let's talk about his wife instead.

Meet the Angry White Female.

She is primarily concerned about sexism against her and her alone. There is no space for consideration of a broader analysis of sexism against women of color because women of color are subordinate.

Like her brethren, she is perfectly comfortable using xenophobia and racism and other types of hate to bolster her point and as an attack against the numerous forces working against her.

Hillary Clinton is the ultimate Angry White Female. She is strong, smart and capable. A wronged woman politically and within her own marriage and therefore is entitled to the presidency.

Forget her stand on Iraq, her questionable electability and her incompetence as the head of a political campaign. We OWE her! And goddammit if she doesn't get what she wants she'll stomp and scream until you do.

The Angry White Female a problem because she hurts the cause of women's rights by either crying wolf or self-centeredly spinning legitmate claims of gender based discrimination so far away from the real point that we all end up too disoriented to tackle the real issues.

The Angry White Female is not going to go away with a Hillary Clinton defeat. If anything she will be emboldened because Hillary's loss will be another example of the cruel world destroying her dreams.

As Democrats, leftists, hell anyone who wants to have a rational debate about women and the issues that effect them we have to stand up to them.

The irony of having to defeat the first woman to get close to winning the presidency can't be overlooked but we must not focus on that to the point that we forget the larger much worthier goal of speaking truthfully and loudly for the rights of all women.

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