Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I need a hazmat suit

The latest fashion for the spring
The right-wing smear machine is in high gear assisted as always by the supposedly leftist media outlets.
Tim Russert got the ball rolling with making Obama apologize to apparently all white Americans for having, if we are being extremely generous, an acquaintance with Louis Farrakhan.

That was followed by John McCain's campaign inviting a racist scumbag to introduce him at a Cincinati campaign stop and then being surprised that the asshole produced a racist and xenophobic rant using Obama's middle name.
This is just the beginning of the smear campaign against Obama's race and background.

These attacks need to be brought out into the open. Not just the ones that make it to the mainstream media but the conversations that the right hasamongst themselves on their websites and other media.

So I'm sacrificing my sanity for you in bringing you the lastest smears and other bullshit straight from the right-wing.

Obama Exposed is a pdf produced by Human Events a wing-nut magazine with a collection of the latest smears and fears on the rise of the senator

There are contributions from the stars of the right-wing media like, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin.

I would try to give a quick summary but it's so all over the place and insane that I could not do it justice. You really should read it for yourself.

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