Monday, February 25, 2008

MSNBC is straight fucking garbage

MSNBC's liberal beard

Courtesy of diarist Shane Hersinger at Daily Kos:

UPDATED: MSNBC's and Now CNN's Odious Attack on Obama Today

Sun Feb 24, 2008 at 03:05:14 PM PST


No flag pin, no hand over his heart: Is he exposed?

Exposed as what exactly? Not wearing a flag pen is to be "exposed" for not adhering to the Fox News/Republican Party-version of patriotism, which means meaningless gestures like wearing a lapel pin are far more important than words and deeds?

Glenn Greenwald linked to this image today on MSNBC which follows a Fox News attack line that Obama is not patriotic for "refusing" to wear a flag pen on his lapel, as if a flag pen is mandatory and not wearing one is tantamount to treachery and treason against this country.

Sen. Barack Obama's refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin along with a photo of him not putting his hand over his heart during the National Anthem led conservatives on Internet and in the media to question his patriotism.

Now Obama's wife, Michelle, has drawn their ire, too, for saying recently that she's really proud of her country for the first time in her adult life.

Conservative consultants say that combined, the cases could be an issue for Obama in the general election if he wins the nomination, especially as he runs against Vietnam war hero Sen. John McCain.

Yes, because meaningless gestures of patriotism are so important, especially when you're the Republican party, which makes a show of "supporting the troops" and then undercuts them by awarding no-bid contract to Republican donors and lackeys who then manufacture sub-standard equipment every time they get the chance.

Link to the discussion :

The fact that CNN has stooped to this doesn't surprise me. They have been Fox News lite for years now and anyone who employs Wolf "They are so black" Blitzer isn't worth a damn anyway.

The difference here is MSNBC. MSNBC when compared to the right wing nut cases at Fox and the Fox wannabes at CNN have earned a bit of a reputation of being more left leaning in their news.

With Keith Olbermann anchoring the network's highest rated show, they unlike the others feature real lefty pundits like Rachel Maddow, who has been rumored to be the next in line for a show there.

That veneer of liberalism is so thin however that it might as well not exist considering the other fools they have working the place.

My earlier post, Brothers, I briefly touched on Chris Matthew's sexism. This new salvo against Barack Obama is obviously just the start of the networks racist campaign against Obama.

I'm not naive. I knew that the media's love-fest towards Obama would end as soon has he got within spitting distance of the Democratic nomination so they could get down to the more important business of kissing John McCain's shriveled ass. MSNBC has already shown that it is comfortable spewing sexist garbage at Clinton and her family and it's protection of Matthews is gauling. No one can really expect them at this point to have the scrupples to stand up to the racist shit that will be headed Obama's way.

And yes an anti-American charge against a black politician is racist because it reinforces the idea that blacks are somehow separate, untrustworthy and not real citizens of this country.

So what about Olbermann? I like his reporting but the fact is he's being used as a beard to hide the channel's obvious lack of ethical standards.

None of us are privy to what goes on in the newsroom but as the campaign goes on and the smear campaign heats up Olbermann will facr increasing pressure to speak out about what is going on.

During the whole Shuster "pimping" debacle he went on air to personally plead for the Clinton's forgiveness of his network.

One has to wonder if Keith already has some text prepared for the inevitable apology he'll have to make for the upcoming Muslim and racist smears that will be made by his colleagues.

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