Monday, February 25, 2008

I'm trying to control my anger

The racist bitch in her own words

The photo in question - AP

From Mike Allen of the Politico:

Obama slams smear photo
By: Mike Allen

February 25, 2008 10:16 AM EST

Obama campaign manager David Plouffe accused the Clinton campaign Monday of "shameful offensive fear-mongering" by circulating a photo as an attempted smear.

Plouffe was reacting to a
banner headline on the Drudge Report saying that aides to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) had e-mailed a photo calling attention to the African roots of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.).

"The photo, taken in 2006, shows the Democrat front-runner dressed as a Somali Elder, during his visit to Wajir, a rural area in northeastern Kenya," the Drudge Report said.

The Clinton campaign did not deny the charge, but did not comment further...

Link to the article:

Despite my initial apprehension of Matt Drudge as a source, the fact the the Obama campaign has responded to this and more importantly the Clinton campaign hasn't denied it, the idea that the Clinton campaign has done this puts to rest any possible equivocation that the campaign is employing racist tactics and is trying to use Barack Obama's Muslim heritage as wedge issue.

It also for me is the last straw in cutting the Clintons any slack on the shit that they've been pulling.

I've been reluctant to call them racists for the many attacks they've used on Obama. I figured that they like many white Democrats see Rovian racist tactics as fair political play and that was what was fueling their smear machine.

After this however, I can't believe that they haven't gotten the message, especially given their incredible loss of standing with black folks over the previous smears, that this kind of crap is racist and has no business being employed by any political campaign let alone a Democratic one.

Fuck Bill. Fuck Hillary. Fuck that mammy looking bitch Maggie Williams for condoning this shit.

I don't want Hillary to lose at this point. I want her smited. I'm offended that I have to share the same planet as these people.

Some initial blog reaction:

Jack and Jill Politics, Daily Kos, The Moderate Voice, Marc Ambinder

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